Requiem (Tselote Fithat)

Requiem Service is a venerable tradition in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewhedo Church, where we remember and pray for the souls of our departed loved ones. In the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, we believe that with the Resurrection of Christ, the barrier between the living and the dead has vanished since by his Resurrection Christ conquered death.

In the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the most common times for Requiem services are on the 7th and 40th day following the death, on the occasion of 1st anniversary. On these days the loved ones and friends of the deceased gather together for requiem (Fitehate Tselot) prayer with the conviction that death is not merely the end but rather a passing into reality, where the immortal of man enters into another position, a place where there is no sickness and pain.

To request a requiem service, please contact the Church at