Our History
The Debre Tsion Saint Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church was established in 2004 by a small group of faithful Ethiopians residing in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. These founders felt a need for a place of worship where Ethiopians with Orthodox Tewahedo Christianity faith could practice the ancient teachings and liturgy of the church and receive spiritual, cultural and moral guidance.
Before purchasing the current church property at 1515 South Nursery Road in Irving, The church worshipped in a Seventh Day Adventist Church in Irving.
We are proud that our church has led the way in bringing the Ethiopian community under the E.O.T.C. umbrella in Dallas-Fort Worth. We continue to attract new members, undertake worthwhile community projects, and spread awareness of the centuries-old traditions and values of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
Tewahedo History
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is one of the ancient churches established at the time of the Apostles. We are in the family of the Oriental Orthodox Churches. The Ethiopian nation was the first country in the world to accept Christianity as its national religion. Since the planting of the seeds of Christianity by the Apostles, our Faith has molded our history and culture.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is one of the most unique and the only Church that is founded upon the foundation of the Old Testament or Judaism. It is an ancient Church, based on the teachings of our Lord, the Savior, the Prophets and the Apostles. Ethiopia received Christianity directly from Apostles in the first century. According to tradition, St. Matthews and St. Mark also evangelized in Ethiopia, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, with her Son Jesus Christ, went as far as Ethiopia during Her exile.

Basic to the teaching of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is faith. The Church believes that it is impossible to please the Lord without faith. It teaches its followers that the Kingdom of God shall be inherited by faith and good deeds. Through the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the decisions taken by Holy Fathers assembled in the various Councils of the Church, including the Councils of Nicea (325 AD), Constantinople (381 AD.) and Epheson (431 AD) are also foundations for the teachings of our Church.
Throughout the ages, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has been the symbol of Ethiopia’s unity and existence as a nation, most notably in the northern highlands that constitute the historic core of Ethiopia. Our culture, civilization, thoughts and modes of life have been built upon the foundations of our Church. The secular rulers of Ethiopia not only have been members of the Church, but have supported it financially. It has been our religious unit that has kept our political unity, which in turn has made our continued independence for centuries possible. Our Church has played an active part in the development, diffusion and preservation of an indigenous education, literature, and art. The ancient monasteries that are found all over the Ethiopian highlands have been the centers of ecclesiastical learning.