The official name of our church is Debre Tsion Saint Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Our church and main office are located at 1515 Nursery Road in Irving, Texas.
The church was established in 2004 to maintain religious worship and prayer according the teaching of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. It abides by all ecclesiastical laws and regulations of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church regarding faith and worship. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and all donations to the church are tax deductible.

Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors is composed of a chairperson, vice chairperson, general secretary, chief accountant, treasurer and four other members who are assigned to different branches as coordinators. The Board performs a wide variety of duties and tasks, including executing and implementing all motions and resolutions adopted at the membership meeting, preparing and presenting the annual budget, arranging for church ceremonies and services, and giving moral and material support to the church.
Spiritual Officials
The Spiritual Officials are composed of the Priests of the Church, other clergies, deacons, and dedicated laypersons that regularly render their services in religious functions. Their duties and responsibilities include arranging and performing church ceremonies, services and sacraments in accordance with the established canons and traditions of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church; providing religious support and guidance to church-sponsored or affiliated schools and other institutions, organizations and committees; increasing the membership of the church and strengthening all parish committees and organizations; and paying visits to member of the church.

Counsel of Wisdom Members
The Board of Trustees will nominate ten active members of high standing to serve as Counsel of Wisdom Members. The five members who receive the most votes are elected to serve for a six-year term. Their duties and responsibilities include uniting and guiding the congregation toward shared goals; serving as emissaries of the D.T.S.M. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church with directives from the Board; protecting the church sanctity by interceding in and presiding over issues that could cause disharmony or division within its congregation; and settling misunderstandings and conflicts among members.
Church Committees
Fundraising Committee
Headed by the Treasurer, this committee identifies sources of income for the church, contacts private individuals and organizations for donations, and explores other ways to benefit the church.
Choir Committee
This committee prepares special mezmurs for services by practicing the correct tone, pitch, song and genre; represents the church choir in public relations; and attends fundraisers for the choir – all within the Orthodox Tewahedo faith and tradition.
Sunday School Committee
The Sunday School Committee performs a range of tasks to instill spiritual and moral values and encourage development of the church youth. Among the committee’s responsibilities are conducting Sunday Schools, charting strategies and programs to attract the youth, creating engaging programs appropriate for various age groups, giving moral and material assistance to the youth choir, helping the youth organize themselves and develop leaders, and providing educational and cultural programs for adults and children about the tradition and history of the Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
Hospitality Committee
This committee serves the church by providing hospitality arrangements for visiting priests and special invited guests, recruiting and training church ushers, caring for new members, tracking and auditing visitors and attendance, and leading in the preparation of catering needs for special services.
Development & Property Management Committee
Focused on the physical aspects of the church, this committee is responsible for maintenance and improvement of all facilities, building repairs and maintenance, landscaping, lawn care, and other duties when they arise. Members also serve as an advisory body to identify facility issues and opportunities.
Public Relations & Media Committee
Spreading the word about our church and its teachings is the focus of this committee. The Public Relations & Media Committee reaches out to church members to encourage regular attendance, plans creative ideas to bring more members to the church, encourages closer relationships and harmony among Church members and members of sister Tewahedo Churches, and informs the public about the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and its culture, history and beliefs.
Kids Breakfast Club Committee
This committee seeks volunteers to provide children with nutritious, well-balanced and appetizing breakfast meals. Members of the committee develop and maintain a menu, identifying appropriate food and drink to maximize enjoyment for the children and avoid any food allergies.